Africa Missions Global mandate is being presented and carried out under the following initiatives: Compassion, Social action and Church/Missionary support.
- SavEAfrica: Increase capacity building projects in line with soul winning mostly in the rural areas.
- RestorEAfrica : Engage subject matter experts in leading projects in their areas of specialization
- Carry out effective feasibility studies before commencement of projects
Social Action
- FreeAFRICA: Increase volunteer pool
- Get more buy-in from pastors
- Find more ways of raising funds through owning business ventures or the like
- Corporate funding by partnering with Christian-based organizations
- Register with and get an exemption from operating countries to ease the movement of funds, goods and currency
Church/Missionary Support
- Increase support for missionaries and their families on ground
- Help missionaries and their families to settle in their new environment.
- Focus on projects in countries where there are no RCCG parishes for the purpose of establishing RCCG parishes.